
2024 Individual Fee Schedule

Diamond Intake Fee: $300.00

Application Fee: $25.00

Wave Processing Fee: $5.00

$150 due at the time of acceptance. $150 is due if you are selected for intake weekend.

Neo Gear Package:

ΑΓΞ Blue T-Shirt
ΑΓΞ Green Hooded Sweatshirt
ΑΓΞ Blue Polo w/ crest
ΑΓΞ Blue Line Jacket

Diamond Initiation Fee: $300.00

Wave Processing Fee: $5.00

Initiation Certificate
Membership Card
Sorority Pin
Initiation Lodging/ Food/ Activity

*All remaining funds not spent will remain with the region hosting the initiation.
The chapter treasurer will be invoiced for the Initiation Certificate, Chapter Roster, and Sorority Pin.